Today is the day! Howard's new novel, The Texture of Love is now available as an ebook and in print. Available on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, and more.
Use the links on the The Texture of Love book page to purchase this novel.
Here is a bit about the story:
On the 50th anniversary of Nabokov’s Lolita, Howard decided to reverse the story. In The Texture of Love, Molly, a young woman graduating college shows up at the door of Eric, a 65-year old family friend and recent widower. Her obsession, perhaps more acceptable by society’s standard than Humbert’s in Lolita, still manages to take hold of their lives . . . confirming again the painstaking and pain-giving selfishness of certain kinds of passion.
If you are a fan of Nabokov or interested in stories about love and time, you're sure to enjoy The Texture of Love.
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