“Starlight Shines Far” is from a Chinese proverb suggesting that a single spark can start a big fire which can be seen from a great distance. In other words, seemingly small actions can have far-reaching consequences. This is the story of Alex and Alula. Alex’s father was an auto mechanic who passed on to him his love and knowledge of the stars. He died shortly before Alex’s tenth birthday, sending his mother into an alcoholic spiral and leaving Alex untethered and on the road to drug abuse. During Alex’s third stint in rehab, he meets a young woman in his art therapy class, Alula, who claims to have emigrated from another planet with her family. She says her planet is small and has been sending people to settle on Earth for centuries. She tells Alex that his father was also a settler. Alula convinces Alex she is telling the truth by displaying a telekinetic power she has for healing and enlists his help in trying to save the Earth from climate change and war. She believes the World’s leaders will come to their senses once they realize the Earth is not alone. While they do not receive the welcome Alula had hoped for, it remains a story about healing . . . healing the Earth, as well as healing a broken heart.